#1 Click Start and type “disk mgmt.msg” (without quotes) and press enter. Now a disk management window will appear.
#2 Here you can see all your drives which are being currently available. Choose one of the drives which you want to shrink or extend. For shrinking a drive and creating a new one there must be some free space on that drive. Now right-click on the drive letter which you want to shrink Or take out free space. Now select shrink volume, & a little process will go on.
#3 Here you will see the current size of the drive, free space and size which you want to shrink. Now enter the amount of space which you want to free, note that size should not exceed the free space. Now click shrink button.
#4 In disk management window you will see an unallocated space at the right bottom corner. Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
#5 Now click Next and Enter the size of drive you want to create and click next, next and last Finish. Now a New Volume or Drive will be created with the desired size.
In the same way, you can enlarge the size of any drive when your drive gets overloaded by file, In that case, you can easily make some space unallocated by shrinking it from one drive and then using that space to extend another drive. By this way, you can easily Partition A Hard Drive without formatting them. So above is all about How To Partition Hard Disk Without Formatting in All Windows “Please note that do not try to create partitions more than 5-6 as it can corrupt your windows also“. In Corresponding do not make only one partition as when you will install a brand-new operating system all data will be deleted. Don’t forget to share this post and Leave a comment below if you having any type problem at any step.