There are various reasons behind facing this error. You might encounter this error when there is an issue with the server. You might also face this issue due to corrupted game files, DNS problems, or third-party apps interfering with the game. If you have been facing this issue and looking for troubleshooting steps to fix this issue, then you are at the right place.
Fix Elden Ring FPS Drops and Stuttering Issues
Given below are some troubleshooting steps to help you fix Elden Ring FPS Drops and Stuttering Issues error-
1 Fix Elden Ring FPS Drops and Stuttering Issues1.1 Ensure Stable Internet1.2 Check The Status Of Elden Ring Server1.3 Restart The Game1.4 Update Elden Ring1.5 Check For Corrupted Game Files1.6 Set Up Game Network Settings1.7 Reinstall The Game1.7.1 Conclusion
Ensure Stable Internet
You may be facing this issue due to a slow internet connection. You can check your network connection using Check the speed of your internet. If the internet keeps on fluctuating, then restart your router. You can try bringing the router close to your device to enhance the speed. Contact your ISP to fix the issue if the internet is still unstable. However, if the internet is working fine but still facing the error, try the methods mentioned ahead.
Check The Status Of Elden Ring Server
You might face this error if the Elden Ring server is down. Join the official Twitter channel of Elden Ring and this is where you will know about the status of the Elden Ring server. Their Twitter handle will notify the users if any patch will be released soon or if the server is down. If there is any issue with the server or the patch is being released, you will have to wait for some time. You can do nothing at your end except wait for the Elden Ring server to be up again. However, if there is no issue with the server and no patch is being released, then you can move to the next step in this article.
Restart The Game
If your internet is fine and there are no issues with the Game server, then you can try restarting the game. Restarting the game will solve any technical glitches and bugs that you may encounter throughout the game. For PC users, they can follow the steps given below to restart the game and fix Elden Ring FPS Drops and Stuttering Issues-
Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combo to open Task Manager. In the Task Manager, ensure you are on the Processes tab. Here, select the process related to the game and click on End Task. Do the same for Steam. Once done, relaunch the Steam client and run the game.
Update Elden Ring
If you have been facing issues with the game, then try updating it. Many times, the old version of the games may have bugs that may cause such errors. In that case, you can try updating Elden Ring. Check for the updates and install any updates available for Elden Ring. Once done, restart your game and you should no longer encounter the issue.
Check For Corrupted Game Files
The cause of this error might also be corrupted or missing game files. You can try verifying the integrity of the file. This will check the games for corrupted files and replace the damaged or missing ones. To do so, follow the steps given below-
Press the Windows key to open the Start Menu. In the Start Menu, search for Steam and open it. In Steam head to the Library. Here search for Elden Ring game. Right-click on it and then click on Properties. Now, under the Local Files section, click on the Verify Integrity Of Game Files option.This will scan your game for corrupted and missing filesOnce the process is completed, restart the game and check whether the issue is resolved.
Set Up Game Network Settings
You might be facing this error due to improper in-game network settings. You can correct it using the given steps-
In the game, open the Settings option and then click on Network. Under this option click on System. Now, open the in-game menu and click on System and then click on Network.Set Cross-Region to Perform Matchmaking and then open settings as Play Online. Once done, you will be able to play the game with your friends without facing the Unable to FPS Drops and Stuttering Issues.
Reinstall The Game
If you still encounter Elden Ring FPS Drops and Stuttering error, then you are left with no option other than reinstalling the game. To reinstall Elden Ring, follow the steps given below-
Firstly, open Steam on your PC. In Steam, head to the Library. Here, right-click on the Elden Ring and then click on Manage. Now, click on Uninstall option. After uninstalling the game, download and reinstall it on your device. Open the game and sign into your account; you should no longer face this issue.
If you are unable to join your friends on Elden Ring and you keep on getting FPS Drops and Stuttering problems then this article will help you fix it. This issue is faced when you have already joined someone else, and some other friend of yours is trying to call you into their team. You may also encounter this issue due to the server being outdated, issues with the DNS, corrupted game files, and others. No matter what the reason is behind facing this issue, this article will help you fix it. READ NEXT:
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