The Fortune 1000 companies list includes both public and private companies but excludes subsidiaries of other companies. In addition, the study only includes data from companies that are headquartered in the United States.

Fortune 1000 companies list in 2022

What is Fortune 1000?

The Fortune 1000 is a prestigious and respected list, despite receiving far less attention than the more selective Fortune 500 rankings. Fortune 1000 is a term used to describe the top 1,000 publicly traded companies in the United States by revenue. Fortune 1000 companies are typically large, well-known and established businesses with household names. Every year, Fortune magazine releases a list of the world’s highest revenue generating companies. Being included in the Fortune 1000 list is a prestigious honor that can bring significant advantages to a company and it can help attract investors, customers, and top talent. In addition, it also helps build brand awareness and create a positive image for your business. Despite its benefits, getting your company featured on the Fortune 1000 list is also not easy. Companies that make it onto this list are some of America’s most profitable and famous companies. While the Fortune 1000 list includes some of the biggest and most successful companies in the country, it is not a perfect measure of success. Companies are only included if they are categorized under publicly traded, excluding many privately-held businesses. In addition, the list is based on revenue generation, not profitability. Walmart has been at the top of the Fortune 1000 list for seven years in a row. It was dethroned by ExxonMobil in 2009 but returned to its position two years later. Before going over Fortune 1000 companies list, let us understand its history and how it started.

History of Fortune 1000

The Fortune 1000 is an annual list of the largest companies in terms of revenue. It was first created by Edgar P Smith, an assistant managing editor at Fortune Magazine, back in 1955. Only manufacturing and mining sectors were included until they changed their requirements to include the service industry. In the beginning, they only featured companies from industries such as manufacturing and mining but eventually expanded their lists to cover various other fields, including banking, utilities, etc. The first edition didn’t include any company from the manufacturing or mining industries until 1994. It allowed Walmart to rank fourth that year, followed by AT & T, which ranked fifth.

What does the Fortune 1000 companies list comprise?

The Fortune 1000 companies list comprises certain essentials:

Ranking Revenues Profits Assets Market Value Revenue Change vs. Previous Year Profit Change vs. Previous Year Number of Employees Change in Ranking

List of 2022 Fortune 1000 Companies

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Members of Fortune 1000

Walmart has been the number 1 company on the Fortune 1000 companies list for seven years in a row and has repeated the legacy by generating $548 billion in revenue this year. Their profits also saw a significant increase from 2020, bringing them up to $19 Billion. The other most valuable companies in America, including Apple (AAPL), Exxonmobil, and CVS Health are not extremely far behind Walmart, as they all are ranked in the top 5 companies on this list. According to reports, Exxonmobil generates revenue of $264 billion annually, while Apple counts revenue of $260 billion every year. Whereas, CVS Health was found to make a total profit of $256 billion. The last two companies to fill the charts reported $2 billion annual revenue; Herc Holdings followed by Mr Cooper Group (COOP).

Ways to Invest in Fortune 1000?

One way to invest in the top revenue-earning companies is through an index fund. For instance, there is S&P 500, which tracks U.S. 500 largest corporations by market value and includes all those on the Fortune 1000 list and many more that aren’t but should be considered for your portfolio. However, the bottom 500 list can always be ignored. It is easy to invest in Fortune 1000 companies with this index. It includes the top 1000 stocks from the Russell 3000. It becomes more comprehensive than other indexes that only cover one-tenth or even less for America’s largest corporations.

Fortune 1000 and its Drawbacks

To some, the Fortune 1000 companies list is a more accurate gauge of business activity than the Fortune 500. The list offers an idea of which businesses are thriving and developing in society today. However, there is less room for new entries because many companies near or at the bottom have high turnover rates with little stability. It is limited by how few companies can be ranked among America’s top 500 earners in revenue, thus missing opportunities to gain mainstream acceptance like its smaller counterpart, Fortune 500, does with greater turnover rates. The researchers have found that high turnover is not always a sign of economic growth. High employee turnover rates can mean an active merger and acquisition environment for small businesses, which is not healthy. Businesses and companies in the Fortune 1000 companies list know that they need to constantly innovate and adapt their strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Understanding the market and their competition helps them understand their customers better, create more effective marketing plans, improve customer retention, and boost sales. If you are looking for ways to jumpstart your business or take it to the next level, you first need to understand your audience and know which companies are competing against you. You can take inspiration from these Fortune 1000 companies and how they work to stay on top. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to us. We will be happy to help you. Hope you found this blog informative and useful. Thanks for reading!

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