Remember: This particular guide is for Lenovo IdeaPad U430 but it works for U330 and U530 also, because the drivers are pretty the same and work on all. This guide is named for macOS Sierra but it also works great for Mac OS X El Capitan.
Note: All guide and link for the Requirements are linked down below.
Lenovo IdeaPad U330/U430/U530 (Get it Now) macOS Sierra or El Capitan downloaded from the App Store 8 GB or Higher USB Flash Drive (Get it Now) Edimax EW-7811un (Get it Now)
Creating USB Installer
Firstly, You need to create bootable USB installer for macOS Sierra to install it on the Lenovo laptop. The process of creating bootable USB installer for macOS Sierra or El Capitan is a little bit long, so due to this, we have managed in separate articles to create bootable USB. Now all you have to do is, follow one of the way below to create bootable USB installer for macOS Sierra.
Create Bootable USB Installer Using Unibeast on Macintosh (Recommended) Create USB Installer for macOS on Windows 10 or lower
Tip: If you don’t have access to macintosh (Macbook) then you can install macOS on VMware then follow the Unibeast guide on your Windows 7/8/10. Important Note: After creating USB Installer via unibeast then you need to copy ApplePS2SmartTouch kext(TouchPad), VoodooPs2Controller kext (Keyboard) and FakeSMC kext to the USB Installer. First Mount the EFI partition of USB via Clover configurator then copy and paste it EFI > Clover > Kexts > other. When you boot from USB then your touchpad and keyboard will work, otherwise, you need an external mouse & keyboard to complete the installation Process.
Free Space for macOS 10.12
So before getting started you need at least 20 GB empty partition disk space to install macOS Sierra on that volume. If you have already then made you sure you have copied or moved your data before continuing to install macOS on that volume drive because it will clean and disappeared from your Windows. So in short, I want to say that you need a free empty partition or vacant HDD or SSD to install macOS Sierra on it. If don’t own any of them then create an empty partition drive by the article below or buy an HDD or SSD right now.
How to Create New Local Drive in Windows 10
UEFI BIOS Settings
After create free disk space for macOS Sierra and bootable USB installer. First, you have to setup parts of your computer BIOS, this will let your PC to boot into USB installer. It’s only for Lenovo laptops and it may or may not work for any other laptop. #1. Power on your laptop, press Novo button then select BIOS Setup or F2 from your keyboard to directly enter BIOS Setup.
#3. Then after that make you sure that you applied the following settings to BIOS and at the end exit & save changes.
– Secure Boot is disabled – USB deep sleep is disabled – Set the SATA Controller Mode to AHCI
– USB Boot is Enabled – UEFI Boot is enabled – Enable Legacy Boot but set the Boot Priority to UEFI first
Boot with Bootable USB Installer
Turn on your laptop and If your system didn’t boot automatically then go to Boot Manger and select the Bootable USB Installer Manually. Sata Controller Boot Priority After you get into Clover Menu then if the USB installer is for El Capitan or Sierra, make you sure you boot with (nv_disable=1) boot flag then from Clover boot menu, select the bootable USB Installer (External) and hit enter. EFI USB Device
Installing macOS Sierra
#1. Select your Language for macOS Sierra and click on the Arrow button to go forward. Boot into USB Installer #2. To partition the Disk for Mac OS. Now click on Utilities > Disk Utility. Choose your Language #3. Now select your free hard disk drive and click on Erase tab. Be sure to select a free empty partition the partition is going to be clean and formatted for macOS Sierra. Go to Disk Utility #4. Name the disk then choose the format to “OS X Extended (Journaled) “ and click on Erase button. If you are partition the entire hard disk then be sure to select the Schema to “GUID Partition Map”. Then your hard disk or drive will be cleaned and partition to OS X Extended Journaled. #5. Make yourself sure that you get the message that erasing disk process completed successfully. Click Done and close disk utility. If you faced any kind of errors then I highly recommend you to visit the link below. Erase to Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
Fix “Erase Process has Failed” While Erasing Partition for Mac OS on Disk Utility
#6. To set up the installation of macOS, Click Continue. Close Disk Utility #7. Now click Continue then click Agree the I have read and agreed to the terms of software license agreement. Click Continue #8. On the Install macOS page, select the partition that you created for macOS Sierra while partitioning for macOS and finally click Continue. Agree the Terms #9. Now wait for USB Installer to Install macOS Sierra from it to the disk that you selected. It will take some time to complete, depend on your system. After it is completed, then it will restarts after 10 seconds automatically. Install macOS Sierra on Drive When your computer rebooted then it must automatic take you to USB installer clover menu. If no then boot yourself from Boot manager the EFI USB installer. After that on the clover menu, don’t make any changes because it will automatically boot into the disk that Mac OS is newly installed. If no then select HFS disk icon that named your Mac HD and hit enter from your keyboard. Installing macOS on Drive
Performing a clean Installation
In the previous steps, if you have installed macOS Sierra from the USB Installer to the partition that you created for macOS Sierra 10.12, then after booting from that partition that macOS Sierra is installed on it. Here it’s time to setup and performing a clean installation of macOS Sierra. Well, we have another article also for further information with the shots visit the link below to perform a clean installation of macOS Sierra or keep following this article below. Boot into Mac OS Drive
How to perform a clean installation of macOS Sierra? (With Shots)
#1. Choose your Country and click on Continue. #2. Pick a keyboard Layout and click on Continue. Select your Country #3. Now select your method to transfer information to this mac and click on Continue. #4. Enable location services and click on Continue. #5. In this step, you have to Sign in with your Apple ID. If you don’t have, then create a free Apple ID “how to create an Apple ID on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch”. If you don’t want to sign in with Apple ID or don’t want to create Apple ID, then Choose Don’t Sign in and click on Continue. #6. Agree to the Terms and Conditions. #7. Fill out the Full name, Account name, Password, Hint and check the box of Set time zone based on Current location. Finally click on Continue to create your user account for macOS Sierra, that will be installed on your PC. #8. Select the options for Diagnostics & Usage and click on Continue. Create a Computer Account #9. Wait a little while to Setting Up Your Mac. It will run on the desktop of macOS Sierra. #10. After performing a clean installation and Set upping your macOS Sierra on PC then you should see your final result that, macOS Sierra has successfully installed on PC. Setting Up your Mac
Post Installation
Now after installing macOS Sierra on your Lenovo IdeaPad, this part is very tricky and important. Because you might face some problems after the installation, like sound and Wi-Fi isn’t working, no internet connection and the most important that you are unable to boot into macOS Sierra without the USB Installer then you need a post installation. macOS Sierra Installed
Installing Edimax Driver (Wi-Fi Solution)
After installing macOS Sierra 10.12 on your laptop then you may have big problem with Wi-Fi because it disappeared completely from the settings. So you can connect to the internet via cable or a wifi dongle, like Edimax EW-7811un. So if you have the already the item to install the driver, download the installer files from the like below then open it and install it by clicking continue a couple of times and type your password and hit enter to confirm installation process.
Download Edimax EW-7811un Driver
Installing bootloader
This step is recommended to do before anything else because later the kext have to save here. Also if you don’t do this, you won’t be able to boot into macOS Sierra by the disk itself. For booting in maOS Sierra still, you will need to use the USB installer, though you aren’t using it install macOS Sierra. So it one of the most important and easy tasks that you have to do here. Install Edimax Wireless USB Adapter driver #1. Download the Clover EFI Bootloader. #2. Open Clover EFI then click Continue to Introduction & Read Me page. #3. One the Installation type page, make you sure you have you have selected the right disk to install the bootloader on it. After that click Customize. Clover EFI Introduction Page #4. Make you sure the following options are check marked. Installation Type
– Install for UEFI booting only – Install Clover in the ESP – Dirvers64UEFI > OsxAptioFixDrv-64
#5. Now this time Download and copy HFSPlus.efi to EFI > Clover > drivers64UEFI folder, finally click authenticate and enter your Password. Make you sure that you have mounted the EFI partition of the disk which bootloader is installed on it. Install Custom Packages
Installing & Fixing All other tasks
Now here, I will show you how to install and fix all other drives, remember the commands below are entered in the terminal and works great. All you have to do is copy and paste this commands in your terminal. Place HFSPlus.efi #1. Firstly, to make all these things happen we need the developer tools, so open terminal and type the following Command. #2. After the developer tool is installed then run the commands below in the terminal to download or copy all the important file from GitHub to your mac drive. Install Developer Tools #3. Now this time paste the commands below to your terminal to download and install the required kext and drivers on your laptop. #4. After running the above commands a restart is not bad to understand what works and not. #5. To finish the setup, we need a correctly patched DSDT/SSDT, these patches are created specially for this kind of laptops. So If you return from a restart, copy & paste the following commands into your terminal. If no then same but without first line.
Power Management
For power management use the script by Pike R. Instructions for using it are provided in the README. When you run the commands below then it will place the generated SSDT.aml to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched/SSDT.aml, it’s current instructions at the README. So you need to run the following commands. #1. Open terminal then copy & paste this command, it will download the file into your Lenovo laptop. #2. So now the files should be downloaded, run the command below to apply it to your laptop. #3. After running the command above then it will ask if you want to copy to /Extra? So respond with “n” to cancel the operation. Same respond “n” for opening ssdt.dsl. #4. You can find the result at ~/Library/ssdtPRgen/SSDT.aml now copy then the same ssdt.aml file and paste it on /EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched/SSDT.aml. You can do it graphically if you wish but also run the command below to finish it in a moment.
Place the Config.plist
If you have successfully completed the steps above, so now you are good to go with the following steps. Because if you place this config.plist file into your UEFI bootloader and there are not the files that you use above, it can’t work properly then your laptop might face some terrible issues. #1. Firstly, you have to mount the EFI partition of your laptop, where the Clover files are placed. To mount EFI you can use clover configurator or the command below. #2. Now you need to copy the config.plist file from /Projects/u430.git then paste/replace it with /EFI/EFI/Clover/config.plist. So run the command below to copy with terminal.
After updating your Hackintosh then the settings and patches might lose the correct configuration and the laptop might stop working properly. So after the updates you need to fix it manually.
Fixing Sound & Display
If you have applied all the settings above then you sound isn’t working then you need to follow this the steps below. This happens after installing new/updated kexts or after the initial installation, you may lose audio, So need to bring it back to the cache. #1. Make you sure you have installed then audio kext and patches for your laptop. After that restart your laptop and on the clover, menu hit space bar then boot with without caches. Get help to from here to boot without caches.
How to Boot Correctly into Bootable USB Installer of macOS Sierra?
#2. Now rebuild the cache, open terminal and run the following command. This command makes the audio in the cache to start working again. #3. Restart your laptop normally, if needed, two times. Also, It’s possible to fix you sound by VoodoHDA. So download VoodoHDA.kext and Install it by kext utility or Easy Kext Pro then restart your laptop to get the result. (if needed two times)
Update the patched repos
When a major update comes to the Mac OS and after installing new updates then you need to update the repo project. So need re-patch DSDT/SSDT with the commands below. #1. Open terminal and run the following commands. It will download and install all the update kexts, patches, scripts and much more.
Other post-install tasks
There are some settings for initial configuration to be done after completing all the steps above. The tasks below is optional and recommended to be done on your laptop. #1. The hibernation option (suspend to disk or S4 sleep) is not supported on Hackintosh,so it highly recommended to be disabled. To disable this open terminal and run the command below. #2. you will get slow WiFi after sleep and wake up until you disable “Wake for network access” in SysPrefs->Energy Saver. #3. If you get Bluetooth Setup Assistant popup on your screen then to disable it, go to SysPrefs->Bluetooth->Advanced and uncheck all the options. It was all about, exclusive guide to install macOS Sierra on Lenovo IdeaPad U330/U430/U530. If you faced any problem tell us below by comment, feel free to tell us. we’re waiting for your suggestion. Related Post: Install macOS Sierra on Lenovo Y50-70 Credits: RehabMan from tonymacx86 for his repos, tools, and scripts.